Quantum Science and Technology

Quantum technology is a class of technology that works by using the principles of amount mechanics (the drugs of sub-atomic patches), including amount trap and amount superposition. Quantum detectors are anticipated to have a number of operations in a wide variety of fields including positioning systems, communication technology, electric and glamorous field detectors, gravimetric as well as geophysical areas of exploration similar as civil engineering and seismology. The field of amount technology was first outlined in a 1997 book by GerardJ. Milburn, which was also followed by a 2003 composition by JonathanP. Dowling and Gerard. Milburn, as well as a 2003 composition by David Deutsch.

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    6th World congress on Ophthalmology and Optometry

    Amsterdam, Netherlands
    April 29-30, 2025

    35th International Congress on Vision Science and Eye

    Barcelona, Spain
    April 29-30, 2025

    6th World Congress on Ophthalmology and Vision Science

    Barcelona, Spain
    June 12-13, 2025

    6th International Conference on Optometry

    London, UK
    June 17-18, 2025

    25th Global Ophthalmologists Annual Meeting

    Copenhagen, Denmark

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