Optical sensors technologies and types

Taking advantage of the ability of optical fibers to transmit and receive optical signals over vast distances, a current trend is to form systems of sensors, or sensing element arrays. This avoids having to convert between physical science and photonics individually at every sensing places, thereby reducing prices and increasing flexibility. As indicated earlier, most sensors these days involve the utilization of fibers somewhere within the technique and are remarked as optical fiber sensors. Optical sensors create use of a similar physical phenomenon to perform their sensing operation but involve no fibre. They instead consider lens or mirror systems to transmit and manipulate the beams of light utilized in their sensing process. The fiber and optical sensors field are active slightly over a decade, with the patent record starting earlier, as can be expected, and showing growth almost like that of publications.

For the foremost part, chemical sensors are samples of remote qualitative analysis using fiber optics as a relay vehicle. each absorption and visible radiation spectroscopy are used. Chemical testing has been demonstrated exploitation fiber-optic fluoroimmunoassay (FOFIA). during this technique, antigens specific for the antibodies to be detected are immobilized in proximity to a guided optical beam. The antibodies are labelled with fluorophores and allowed to bond to the antigens. temporary excitation of the fluorophores and/or the assortment of the resulting fluorescent radiation give for terribly sensitive observance techniques. In some tests, 10 -12 molar levels of creatine kinase (CK-MB) are detected.

  • Importance and role of optical fibers
  • Advantages and disadvantages of Optical Sensors
  • Chemical sensors
  • Temperature sensors
  • Promising new optical sensor technologies
  • Biomedical sensors and Strain sensors
  • Electrical and magnetic sensors
  • Rotation sensors and Pressure sensors
  • Displacement and position sensors
  • Acoustic and vibration sensors
  • Miscellaneous sensors
  • Specialty fibers for sensors
  • Light sources and Detectors

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